Commercial Painting
Next Gen Painting is able to handle any commercial projects with a ceiling height of less than 25 feet or exterior walls less than 30 feet. We are able to dedicate large crews and combine spraying and rolling to effectively apply paint to large areas in a short amount of time. We have worked on a wide variety of commercial projects ranging from apartment complexes to office spaces to investment properties. Our quality control is of utmost importance and customer service is our top priority.
Next Gen Painting understands the needs of the commercial client. The owner of Next Gen Painting worked as a project manager for a residential real estate investment fund where he was in charge of hiring and managing a variety of contractors on multiple projects around the country. The insight our owner gained from managing contractors and then becoming one will prove priceless to your construction management team.
We understand that commercial clients usually work from architectural drawings and are looking for a painting contractor who can complete the project to spec, quickly and at a price that makes sense. We know that time is money and money is valuable to any business. We also understand the expectations of quality are just as high, if not higher, than the residential customer because the aesthetics of the paint job can impact the customer’s image of the business and, thus, impact profitability.
Next Gen Painting was established with the commercial client in mind. We are self-directed, reliable, quick, clean, and above all, customer-focused. We aim to work effectively with commercial interests and to provide reliability in an infamously unreliable industry.